Having a personalised approach means understanding what it is that you need to support your body, not what someone else needs to support their body.
Because, as has become apparent in recent years, through studies and research, we are all different when it comes to our dietary needs. This is why some people thrive on certain diets and others don’t.
The human microbiome is complex, and the science in this area is evolving, but what is known is that different foods impact different people in different ways.
Also, what your dietary needs are at age 20 will be somewhat different to age 50, and different again at age 80. This aspect is often overlooked. As you age, your bodily constitution changes, as does your appetite, as does your risk to illness.
This means it makes sense to learn as much as you can about your own position, through tests, exploration (trial and error) and observations. If you simply lock into a diet recommended for all by a government health body or service, it may not be sufficient to optimise your own personalised needs.
Use Technology
There is a growing list of technological applications that can support those who are serious about understanding their own unique needs. Here are a few examples and pointers:
https://www.lumen.me/ – this is a hand-held, portable device to accurately measure metabolism. The results this provides allows you to understand how your diet impacts your body. You can then adjust to improve your diet, with precision based on your unique response to the foods you eat.
https://www.veri.co/ – a glucose monitor that measures your blood sugar. You then use this results collated to build your optimum diet.
https://www.insidetracker.com/ Using regular blood tests (that can be taken at home if required) this helps build an entire picture of your health on an ongoing basis that lets you adjust your diet for improved results over time.
You should always seek expert advice first, from a suitably qualified medical source before, relying on any particular application.