Running is another level up from the walking exercises, in the sense that it will push the cardio even further.
Running helps with:
Seriously raising your heart rate, so you get out of breath plus it will strengthen your lower body muscles. Great for weight loss and burning calories.
How to use running in your exercise regime:
Running is a technical activity, so you should learn to run ‘properly’. Running well aids the benefits, plus it reduces the chances of injury.
Footwear is important, get the correct running shoes. Again, this aids the benefits and limits injury prospects.
As with walking you have two factors to weigh up, speed and distance. Try to think about developing both, depending on your level.
If you haven’t run before, don’t feel like you can’t run! Of course, if you have problems with your joints, for instance knees or hips, you have to be realistic, and choose other exercises to correct or strengthen these, first.
However, nearly anyone can run, so try it. Even for a short duration to start with.
Slow but sure wins the day.
A slow run over a nice distance is a great exercise.
Set targets and build.